Monday, June 8, 2009

Time Flies

Sorry to have been MIA for so long. Things have just been busy, and I find myself choosing sleep over blogging! Joshua is growing so much...I just can't believe it. I've heard people say that the time you have to raise your child goes by as quickly as sand filtering through your fingers. I think it's even quicker than that. I pulled out Joshua's 1st year memory box this past weekend. (I keep a small box for each year of his life with little trinkets and what nots in it.) I pulled out one of his newborn diapers...unused, of course:). As I looked at that diaper I had such a difficult time remembering him at that size and age. He's currently 42 pound toddler who runs and plays and jumps, all the while clearly assserting his independence and lack of need for his mommy. The days when he was dependent on me for pure survival seem such a distant memory. Sure, I have every minute clearly documented with photos and video, but I just can't believe that my baby, who less than 3 years ago couldn't hold up his own head, much less feed himself, now counts to 10, knows his colors, and recites at least five songs from memory. I'm amazed, simply amazed at how much can happen in just a few short years. It makes me want to hold him tighter, watch him longer, and love him harder than I have in the past two and a half year!!