Monday, August 31, 2009


As many of you know, Lee and I have been trying to get pregnant since October of 2008 with no success. In the beginning it was so hard for me. Each month I'd get my hopes up only to be devastated when Aunt Flow arrived. I felt pity and heart ache for myself. Now, almost 11 months later, God has used this journey to give me a new perspective. Instead of devastation I am thankful. I look at Joshua with renewed wonder and amazement. I am so appreciative for each day that I am able to spend with him. I revel in each new connection he makes, each funny thing he says, in each way he amazingly melts my heart. He is the coolest, most amazing little kid that I've ever seen...not that I'm biased or anything. For a while I was so caught up in needing to get pregnant again that I forgot to be thankful for the amazing gift I was already given. I thank God for using this experience to renew my spirit and restore my joy, and for helping me to remember what a precious and wonderful gift I already have!!

On a lighter note, I have got to share a quick story. A couple of nights ago Lee, Joshua, and myself were sitting in the living room doing our nightly routine of watching one television show before books and bed. Lee's phone range, and he walked out of the room to talk to a friend. Joshua promptly got up and said, "Daddy, go sit wid my mudder." At that very moment I could have melted! The way he said it with such conviction was just too cute for words. This post simply doesn't do it justice!!

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